
Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06b "Kaos". upgrade now! [55.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06a "Kaos". upgrade now! [55.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2024-02-06 "Kaos". upgrade now! [55] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2023-04-04b "Jack Jackrum". upgrade now! [54.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum". upgrade now! [54.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum". upgrade now! [54] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2022-07-31b "Igor". upgrade now! [53.1] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2022-07-31a "Igor". upgrade now! [53] (what's this?)
New release available: 2022-07-31 "Igor". upgrade now! [52.2] (what's this?)
New release candidate 2 available: rc2022-06-26 "Igor". upgrade now! [52.1] (what's this?)
New release candidate available: 2022-06-26 "Igor". upgrade now! [52] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2020-07-29a "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.4] (what's this?)
New release available: 2020-07-29 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.3] (what's this?)
New release candidate 3 available: 2020-06-09 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.2] (what's this?)
New release candidate 2 available: 2020-06-01 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.1] (what's this?)
New release candidate available: 2020-06-01 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22c "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22b "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22a "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2018-04-22 "Greebo". upgrade now! [50] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19g "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.7] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19f "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.6] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12979 and CVE-2017-12980: 2017-02-19d "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12583: 2017-02-19c "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing security token and media manager: 2017-02-19b "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing install and media manager issues: 2017-02-19a "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2016-06-26e "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12979 and CVE-2017-12980: 2016-06-26d "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12583: 2016-06-26c "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing security token: 2016-06-26b "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing authad issues: 2016-06-26a "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2016-06-26 "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2015-08-10a "Detritus". upgrade now! [47.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2015-08-10 "Detritus". upgrade now! [47] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29d "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29c "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available to prevent XSS attack via SWF uploads: 2014-09-29b "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29a "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2014-09-29 "Hrun". upgrade now! [46] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-05-05e "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-05-05d "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available to prevent XSS attack via SWF uploads: 2014-05-05c "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.3] (what's this?)
Security Hotfix 2014-05-05b to prevent zero byte attacks on external auth systems is available. upgrade now! [44.2] (what's this?)
Security Hotfix 2014-05-05a for Issue 765 available. upgrade now! [44.1] (what's this?)





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