
Hotfix release available: 2024-02-06a "Kaos". upgrade now! [55.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2024-02-06 "Kaos". upgrade now! [55] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum". upgrade now! [54.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum". upgrade now! [54] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2022-07-31b "Igor". upgrade now! [53.1] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2022-07-31a "Igor". upgrade now! [53] (what's this?)
New release available: 2022-07-31 "Igor". upgrade now! [52.2] (what's this?)
New release candidate 2 available: rc2022-06-26 "Igor". upgrade now! [52.1] (what's this?)
New release candidate available: 2022-06-26 "Igor". upgrade now! [52] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2020-07-29a "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.4] (what's this?)
New release available: 2020-07-29 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.3] (what's this?)
New release candidate 3 available: 2020-06-09 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.2] (what's this?)
New release candidate 2 available: 2020-06-01 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51.1] (what's this?)
New release candidate available: 2020-06-01 "Hogfather". upgrade now! [51] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22c "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22b "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2018-04-22a "Greebo". upgrade now! [50.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2018-04-22 "Greebo". upgrade now! [50] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19g "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.7] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19f "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.6] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12979 and CVE-2017-12980: 2017-02-19d "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12583: 2017-02-19c "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing security token and media manager: 2017-02-19b "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing install and media manager issues: 2017-02-19a "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners". upgrade now! [49] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2016-06-26e "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12979 and CVE-2017-12980: 2016-06-26d "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing CVE-2017-12583: 2016-06-26c "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing security token: 2016-06-26b "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available fixing authad issues: 2016-06-26a "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2016-06-26 "Elenor of Tsort". upgrade now! [48] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2015-08-10a "Detritus". upgrade now! [47.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2015-08-10 "Detritus". upgrade now! [47] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29d "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29c "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.3] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available to prevent XSS attack via SWF uploads: 2014-09-29b "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.2] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-09-29a "Hrun". upgrade now! [46.1] (what's this?)
New release available: 2014-09-29 "Hrun". upgrade now! [46] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-05-05e "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.5] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available: 2014-05-05d "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.4] (what's this?)
Hotfix release available to prevent XSS attack via SWF uploads: 2014-05-05c "Ponder Stibbons". upgrade now! [44.3] (what's this?)
Security Hotfix 2014-05-05b to prevent zero byte attacks on external auth systems is available. upgrade now! [44.2] (what's this?)
Security Hotfix 2014-05-05a for Issue 765 available. upgrade now! [44.1] (what's this?)





Both sides previous revision 前一修订版
story [2014/09/10 12:01]
story [2014/10/08 12:56] (当前版本)
行 1: 行 1:
-===== 故事接口 =====+===== 故事文本、照片上传接口 =====
 ==== 1、故事文本、照片上传接口(客户端调用,POST方式上传) ==== ==== 1、故事文本、照片上传接口(客户端调用,POST方式上传) ====
行 85: 行 85:
 ---- ----
-==== 2、故事读取接口(所有用户上传的故事) ==== 
-=== 输入参数说明: === 
-  * sort 【排序方式,可选参数为:time按照发布时间排序;clicks按照点击数排序;comment按照评论数/​赞数排序。目前暂时只支持time】 
-  * type 【故事审核状态:1为发布并自动显示在公共列表;2为被内容违法或广告贴被编辑删除】 
-  * offset 【记录偏移量】 
-  * limit 【显示记录数量,结合 offset 用来做分页,下拉加载更多;offset/​0/​limit/​10相当于SQL语句中的limit 0,10】 
-  * appkey 【热拍事业部买家版HTML5为100001,iOS为100002,Android为100003】 
-  * appoid 【设备的唯一ID,iOS手机取OpenUDID(下载地址:https://​github.com/​ylechelle/​OpenUDID)作为唯一ID;#​import “OpenUDID.h” 然后 NSLog(@“%@”,​[OpenUDID value]); 打印出来的值即为OpenUDID,然后对OpenUDID做md5加密后的值,作为appoid】 
-=== 输出参数说明: === 
- { 
- "​current_count":​ 11, 
- "​is_end":​ true, 
- "​next_limit":​ 50, 
- "​next_offset":​ 50, 
- "​total":​ 11,  
- "​data":​ [ 
- { 
- "​message":​ "​这是一篇故事的内容,不知道大家是否喜欢?",​ 
- "​love_total_up":​ "​0",​ 
- "​love_up":​ false, 
- "​avatar":​ "​http://​pic.repaiapp.com/​pic/​95/​23/​22/​9523222a32b3cf16d3eaf0cf721153b9ca52896b.jpg@0e_120w_120h_0c_0i_1o_90Q_1x.jpg",​ 
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- "​rp_price":​ "​24",​ 
- "​rp_quantity":​ "​50",​ 
- "​rp_title":​ "​拍下24包邮 加绒加厚秋冬打底衫"​ 
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- "​rp_iid":​ "​1100940324257215",​ 
- "​rp_item_url":​ "​http://​m.repai.com/​item/​view/​id/​1100940324257215/",​ 
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- "​rp_price":​ "​2.8",​ 
- "​rp_quantity":​ "​1000",​ 
- "​rp_title":​ "​Diy皮筋手链 买8袋送8袋 " 
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- }, 
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- "​message":​ "​你好,你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好你好,你好",​ 
- "​love_total_up":​ "​1",​ 
- "​love_up":​ true, 
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- "​publish_time":​ "​1410320543",​ 
- "​rp_province":​ "​北京",​ 
- "​rp_city":​ "​北京",​ 
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- "​rp_uid":​ "​1",​ 
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- "​rp_price":​ "​24",​ 
- "​rp_quantity":​ "​50",​ 
- "​rp_title":​ "​拍下24包邮 加绒加厚秋冬打底衫"​ 
- }, 
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- "​rp_iid":​ "​1100940324257215",​ 
- "​rp_item_url":​ "​http://​m.repai.com/​item/​view/​id/​1100940324257215/",​ 
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- "​rp_price":​ "​2.8",​ 
- "​rp_quantity":​ "​1000",​ 
- "​rp_title":​ "​Diy皮筋手链 买8袋送8袋 " 
- } 
- ], 
- "​story_id":​ "​10"​ 
- } 
- ] 
- } 
-  * is_end 【 是否还有下一页,true为已结束,无下一页;false为未结束,还有下一页】 
-  * next_offset 【下一页的偏移量】 
-  * next_limit 【下一页的显示数量】 
-  * total 【总故事数量】 
-  * current_count 【本次显示的故事数量】 
-  * message 【故事文本内容】 
-  * love_total_up 【某篇故事总的喜欢数】 
-  * love_up 【当前用户对某篇故事是否喜欢】 
-  * avatar 【用户头像图片地址】 
-  * publish_time 【故事发布时间UNIX时间戳】 
-  * rp_province 【用户省份】 
-  * rp_city 【用户城市】 
-  * rp_phone 【用户手机号】 
-  * rp_nick 【用户昵称,无昵称时,显示进行*处理的手机号,例如:159****3960】 
-  * rp_uid 【用户ID】 
-  * photos 【用户上传的照片】 
-  * rp_iids 【商品图片及内容摘要】 
 [[start|返回首页]] [[start|返回首页]]
story.1410321675.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2014/09/10 12:01 由